Annehem Fastigheter's Board of Directors consists of six ordinary members, including the Chairman of the Board, without deputies, who have been elected for the period until the end of the Annual General Meeting 2025.

Henrik Saxborn
Chairman of the BoardYear of birth: 1964
M.Sc. in Engineering, Civil Engineering, KTH
Board member of AMF Fastigheter AB, vice president of PSP Swiss Property, board member of Börssällskapet Göteborg
Formerly CEO of Castellum and prior to that partner and senior executive in NIAM, a private equity-investment firm specialised in properties.
Shareholding: 33,000 B shares.

Jesper Göransson
Board memberYear of birth 1971.
M.Sc. in Business Administration and Economics.
President and CEO of Peab AB.
Board member of Fastighets AB Centur.
Shareholding: 656,100 B shares.

Pia Andersson
Board memberYear of birth 1961.
M.Sc. in Engineering, Civil Engineering LTH.
CEO Varvsstaden AB.
Board member of Medicon Village Fastighets AB.
Shareholding: 9,202 B shares as well as 1,436,553 A shares and 3,084,867 B shares in Annehem via related parties.

Anders Hylén
Board memberYear of birth: 1963.
M.Sc. in Engineering, Civil Engineering LTH.
Chairman of the Board of Ängelholms Flygplats AB.
Board member of Hälsostaden Ängelholm AB, Tornet Bostadsproduktion AB, Dockan Exploatering AB.
Former Housing Development Manager, Peab Bostad.
Shareholding: 0 shares.

Lars Ljungälv
Board memberYear of birth: 1969.
M.Sc. in Business Administration and Economics, Lund University.
President and CEO Bergendahl & Son AB.
Board member of Byggmax AB, IKANO Bank AB, Öresundsbro Konsortiet.
Former Head of Large Corporates within Swedbank and other leading positions within Swedbank and Sparbankerna.
Shareholding: 22,500 B shares.

Karin Ebbinghaus
Board memberYear of birth: 1972.
CEO Elonroad.
Chairman of the Board Kind.
Board member Wictor Family Office.
Shareholding: 0 shares.
More information about the Board
The table below shows the members of the Board, when they were first elected to the Board and whether they are independent in relation to the company and/or the major shareholders.
Name | Position | Board member since | Independent in relation to company and executive management |
Independent in relation to major shareholders |
Henrik Saxborn | Chariman of the board | 2022 | Yes | Yes |
Pia Andersson | Board member | 2020 | Yes | No |
Karin Ebbinghaus | Board member | 2020 | Yes | Yes |
Jesper Göransson | Board member | 2020 | No | No |
Anders Hylén | Board member | 2020 | Yes | Yes |
Lars Ljungälv | Board member | 2020 | Yes | Yes |