
Annehem Fastigheter AB (publ) has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 2020, where the company's B shares can be found with the short name ANNE B.

Press releases

Financial reports


Financial information

Our financial information provision must be characterized by being open, relevant and accurate in order to increase knowledge of Annehem Fastigheter's operations and shares.

Corporate governance

Corporate governance in Annehem aims to ensure that rights and obligations are distributed between the company's bodies in accordance with applicable laws, rules and processes.

Annual Report 2023

Annehem has demonstrated resilience and stability during a year marked by geopolitical uncertanty and macroeconomic fluctuations. Our underlying property operations have performed strongly for the full year, with increased rent revenue, an improved operating income, and a strong income from property management despite a significantly higher net interest expense. We have a continued high occupancy rate with stable, long-term tenants.

Read more in our Annual Report