
Below is an account of regulations regarding remuneration to board members as well as guidelines for remuneration to the managing director and senior executives.

Remuneration to the members of the board

Fees and other remuneration to the Board members, including the Chairman, are determined by the Annual General Meeting. At the Annual General Meeting on 14 May 2024, it was resolved that remuneration shall be paid to the Chairman of the Board in the amount of SEK 465,000 and to the other members in the amount of SEK 165,000 and SEK 20,000 for the committee work. The members of the Board of Directors are not entitled to any benefits after their duties as members of the Board of Directors have ceased.

Guidelines for remuneration to the CEO and other senior executives

Decisions on current remuneration levels and other terms of employment for the CEO and other senior executives have been made by the Board. Information on remuneration to the CEO and senior executives can be found in Annehem's remuneration report 2023.

Read our renumeration report 2023 here